Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Cleaner

I can't stop watching The Cleaner. Maybe its because its a great show, maybe because Ben Bratt is hot!! But I think it comes down to the fact it is one of the most realistic shows about addiction. Intervention is just a fluff show if you have ever been through it and maybe a few times you have no idea. Watching someone die in front of your eyes and you can't do a thing about it. Is horrible its like watching some one having cancer and watching them die. But for me i was lucky two stints at rehab for my brother and now he is sober three years. But thats not my point. My point is addicts have so much pain its hard to get through to them...they give up them selves more so than anyone.. they are harder on themselves than anyone.. and all i think about is how can i get past my anger so i can be that person for my "addict" that doesn't destroy me or my family!! him being gone with his addiction would do the same. destroy my family, my life, and him. Thank god for small favors!!!

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