Monday, January 5, 2009


Been awhile since I updated my blog, but it wasn’t because I wasn’t journeying to me. I was actually travelling around a bit and been a little busy with the holidays. I have been taking notes though and have come up with a few entries. So we may have a whole bunch of new entries at one time.
My biggest thing that I have been constantly working on is the concept of Flow. That my thoughts are pieces of energy that moves constantly. Holding on to one thought and you give that thought power to eventually become a belief. Think of all the thoughts you have had. How many of them, had you just let it flow through you would not have created the anger, regret, or sadness you feel now. All these thoughts together eventually create an emotion in you. You live off of these emotions and every time you have a choice to make or a conversation with someone you cannot fully communicate your true Self. Your reaction to everything comes from those emotions. Those emotions are your beliefs that filter the world around you so that everything you experience is through this filter you have created in your mind. Your perception of the world is through this filter. Your reactions are through this filter. Everything you do is through this filter of beliefs and thoughts that you have created yourself. How did you create this filter? And is what I experience and do truly through that filter? Yes it is.
For me it has been my negative thoughts about myself who made me believe I am something so different than who I truly am. I have created a blockage so that my true Self could not come through. I realize now that my true Self goes through all these thoughts and emotions just to interact with the world outside of me. When I talk about your true Self or your soul I am referring to that place where I want to find again. That place where your soul or your energy came into this world pure before it entered into the physical plane of your body. That soul, Self, energy was pure and the things that have happened through our life have created a self that is not in perfect alignment with that Pure Self.
One of these reasons why this has happened is that every thought I have had about myself I kept that thought and built on it, whether it was good or bad, right or wrong, real or my perception at the end of the day it was just a thought. And I have been living my life through all my previous thoughts and emotions. I haven’t been living my life to understand that things are just what it is. There is no judgment on about anything we do our see unless we create it our self.
This change in thinking has made a huge difference. And the only way I have been able to somewhat work on this and believe me I have a long way to go is just to sit still in meditate. Start observing my thoughts and beliefs in a non judgmental way. To think of these thoughts I have as pieces of energy that I let flow through. I almost visualize that they are entering my brain through my forehead and leaving through the back of my head as I am moving forward in time.

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